OMEGA Formulation FAQ

Listed below are some of the most frequently asked questions we have received concerning OMEGA.

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1. Is OMEGA legal to purchase and carry in the U.S.?
Yes! OMEGA is legal to purchase and carry as long as you agree to the following Terms & Conditions for the sale of OMEGA products through Protection Against Crime.

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2. Is OMEGA sold to everyone who wishes to buy one?
No. Everyone who purchases an OMEGA through Protection Against Crime, must agree to the Terms & Conditions listed above (the answer to question #1).

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3. Am I required to have a special permit to carry an OMEGA?
No. There are no special permits required to own, carry, or use OMEGA for self-defense purposes.

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4. Do Law Enforcement agencies use OMEGA, or weapons similiar to OMEGA?
Yes. Several Law Enforcement agencies and divisions use either OMEGA, or a similar CS tear gas - pepper spray blend provided to them by the agency or division.

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5. Why are Law Enforcement officers required to become qualified to use weapons like OMEGA, but average citizens are not required to do so?
Law Enforcement officers are required to become qualified and certified to use any weapons they carry or use in their line of work. A good example would be handguns. Law Enforcement officers are required to be qualified and certified using a handgun before they are eligible to work as an officer of the law. However, the average law-abiding citizen can legally purchase a handgun without being required to know how to use it.

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6. What's inside an OMEGA that makes it so potent?
OMEGA is a blend of CS tear gas (the same type the military uses to control riots), combined with pepper spray, making it one of the fastest formulas on the market today. The CS tear gas - pepper spray solution used in OMEGA is not diluted like so many brands available over-the-counter today. Some brands of pepper spray sold in local stores are 5 to 10 times weaker than the units used by law enforcement.

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7. Does OMEGA's irritant work fast on an attacker?
OMEGA has been proven to instantly and completely immobilize and incapacitate an attacker regardless of the attacker's age or size without permanent physical injury.

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8. Are the effects of OMEGA's contents permanent? Any long-term side effects?
The non-lethal, immobilizing and incapacitating effects an attacker will experience after being sprayed with OMEGA, will last approximately 20 to 30 minutes without permanent physical injury or long-term side effects.

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9. How far does OMEGA spray?
The 0.5 ounce Key Chain Model fires it's irritant 8 to 10 feet.
The 2.0 ounce Cop-Top Model fires it's irritant 15 to 20 feet.

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10. Does OMEGA fire a stream or a spray? What's the difference?
OMEGA fires a thick, liquid modified stream at 70 p.s.i. (pounds per square inch). The main differences between a stream and a spray are the concentration of the irritant, and the distance the weapon will fire it's irritant. The stream is much more effective than a spray because the irritant is more concentrated within the stream, and will consequently fire a greater distance. The wind does not seem to affect a stream as much as it does a spray.

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11. What is a safe distance to use OMEGA on an attacker?
Five (5) feet or more is a good, safe distance.

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12. Is OMEGA difficult to use?
No. In fact, you do not have to unsnap the carrying case to use either size OMEGA, unlike many other brands on the market.

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13. Does OMEGA have any built-in safety features?
Yes. OMEGA is designed so that if the weapon is accidentally turned the wrong direction in the user's hand (pointing toward the user) the weapon cannot be inadvertently fired. OMEGA is built to withstand the daily stress of being carried as a defense weapon. OMEGA will not leak inside purses or personal clothing. Many other brands are notorious for leaking after you carry them for a short period of time. Imagine what kind of toxic, sticky, irritating mess you would have if one of those "other brands" leaked all of its contents into your pocket or purse. It would not be a pleasant experience to say the least.

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14. Does OMEGA carry a warranty?
Yes. If you use OMEGA for the protection of yourself or others, Protection Against Crime will send you a new unit FREE. All you have to do is send Protection Against Crime the used unit and a documented testimonial of the circumstances concerning the use and outcome, along with a check or money order for $5.00 to cover shipping and handling. Protection Against Crime will then send you a new OMEGA unit. How many other companies do you know of that provide this offer to their customers? All units carry a 12-month unconditional guarantee against defects in workmanship.

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15. How long can I carry my OMEGA before replacing it?
We recommend that you replace your OMEGA unit a minimum of once every 18 months, regardless of the size of the unit. In a crisis situation, there is no way to determine how much of the unit has been used. Therefore, if you have to use OMEGA for self-defense, it is a good idea to replace it immediately.

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16. Why is the purchase price higher for OMEGA compared to cheap, over-the-counter models?
As mentioned before, OMEGA is composed of two (2) seperate irritants blended together, CS tear gas and pepper spray, not just pepper spray. OMEGA's propellant is not water-based and does not dilute the irritant, making it more potent. Every OMEGA unit produced is the result of a meticulous manufacturing processes to ensure that you receive the best, most reliable defense weapon possible. In short, it costs more to manufacture a high-quality defense weapon than it does a cheap, over-the-counter immitation. OMEGA allows you to have the very best quality at an affordable price.

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17. Does OMEGA just work on humans? Will it work on a mean, aggressive dog?
We have only had one (1) report over the years of someone having to use their OMEGA on a mean, aggressive dog. This person reported that a "pit bull" would not let them out of their home through the front door, so they sprayed the dog with OMEGA. As a result, the dog ran away immediately with it's tail between it's legs and hid under someone else's porch.

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18. Has Protection Against Crime ever received any reports from people who have had to defend themselves with an OMEGA?
Yes. Over the years, we have received numerous reports from people who have completely, and successfully defended themselves with both OMEGA sizes. In fact, we have never received a report from someone who has failed to stop an attack with their OMEGA. All of the reports we have received have been positive.

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19. What if an attacker takes my OMEGA from me?
In a "worst-case scenario", if an attacker(s) managed to take your OMEGA away and use it on you, I'm sure you would much rather that happen, (since OMEGA is a non-lethal weapon with the effects wearing off after 20 to 30 minutes with no side effects) than if the attacker(s) had taken a lethal weapon (such as a gun or a knife) away, possibly using it to cause death or severe injury.

Lethal weapons, once taken away, can be used on you repeatedly. At least with OMEGA, the attacker(s) will not be able to further assault you (or get near you for approximately 30 minutes) because of the potency of OMEGA's irritant. Once an attack begins, how many assailants do you believe would want to wait around at a crime scene for 30 minutes until the victim could be transported? The risk would simply be too great for the criminal(s), especially if you were screaming "HELP" or "FIRE" the entire time.

At Protection Against Crime, we have never (in over 10 years) received a report of anyone's OMEGA being taken away and used on them by an attacker. According to all of the reports we have received, OMEGA has worked in an extremely effective manner everytime someone has had to use it for self-defense. Apparently, once the contents of OMEGA are released onto an attacker, or into the air, no one wants to stay around for very long to feel the devastating effects.

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20. Is OMEGA sold to persons outside of the U.S.?
No. Since the September 11 attacks, Law Enforcement agencies and airlines will not allow any self-defense weapons to be carried, or transported aboard airplanes.

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